Balancing the hunchback to gravity

A lot of people, including fighters, develop hunchbacks. Basically, a hunchback is when the thoracic and cervical spine get really tense. All the muscles connected get tense and immobile. With the muscles better aligned and moving, fighters can with stand much stronger punches and be damaged much less.

Some of the tension often is so strong and deeply connected to the spine and neck that it’s impossible to move on some people, so exercise doesn’t reach those muscles.

If exercise can’t help a muscle, it’s possible to relax some tense muscles through innovative concentration. The strategy is to perfectly balance the lower neck, basically the hunchback area. When someone concentrates on balancing the neck and keeping it level, the very light forces of gravity will eventually wear down the necks tension.

Unlike exercise, though, a concentration might not show immediate results. The reason is the deep tension is more constricted than muscles that are movable with exercise. One way that the deep tension can be relaxed more is through extra time spent. The next way is through trying to balance perfectly while mentally allowing the balancing muscles to relax. The mental command of letting the muscles relax at the point where they are tense and balanced actually has the effect of reversing a lot of tension. So, although it might require a lot more time than exercise, some of the deep tension of the neck and upper spine can be reduce, and that specific tension will stay reduce for a decent amount of time, even if it’s not felt or noticeable immediately. Learn to relax, be patient, and stay at it was my philosophy. And now my neck feels much better and more mobile.

Disclaimer: Consult a doctor if you think you might have conditions, problems, or anything that would prevent exercising or concentration exercises to relax. The author is a hobbyist and not a studied professional, yet hopes the ideas can help.


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